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General message schema​

"current_print_ts": "",
"event": {
"event_type": "",
"settings": {
"webcams": [
"name": "",
"is_primary_camera": true,
"stream_mode": "",
"stream_id": 1,
"flipV": false,
"flipH": false,
"rotation": 0,
"streamRatio": "16:9"
"temperature": {
"profiles": []
"agent": {
"name": "",
"version": ""
"status": {
"_ts": 0,
"state": {
"text": "",
"flags": {
"operational": false,
"printing": false,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"closedOrError": false,
"error": false,
"paused": false,
"ready": false,
"sdReady": false
"error": ""
"job": {
"file": {
"name": "",
"path": "",
"display": "",
"origin": "",
"size": 0,
"date": ""
"estimatedPrintTime": 0,
"averagePrintTime": 0,
"lastPrintTime": 0,
"filament": {
"tool0": {
"length": 0,
"volume": 0
"user": ""
"currentLayerHeight": 0,
"currentZ": 0,
"currentFeedRate": 1,
"currentFlowRate": 1,
"currentFanSpeed": 0
"progress": {
"completion": 0,
"filepos": 0,
"printTime": 0,
"printTimeLeft": 0,
"printTimeLeftOrigin": ""
"temperatures": {
"tool0": {
"actual": 0,
"target": 0,
"offset": 0
"bed": {
"actual": 0,
"target": 0,
"offset": 0
"chamber": {
"actual": 0,
"target": 0,
"offset": 0
"file_metadata": {
"hash": "",
"obico": {
"totalLayerCount": 0
"analysis": {
"printingArea": {
"maxX": 0,
"maxY": 0,
"maxZ": 0,
"minX": 0,
"minY": 0,
"minZ": 0
"dimensions": {
"depth": 0,
"height": 0,
"width": 0
"travelArea": {
"maxX": 0,
"maxY": 0,
"maxZ": 0,
"minX": 0,
"minY": 0,
"minZ": 0
"travelDimensions": {
"depth": 0,
"height": 0,
"width": 0
"estimatedPrintTime": 0,
"filament": {
"tool0": {
"length": 0,
"volume": 0
"history": {
"timestamp": "",
"printTime": 0,
"success": false,
"printerProfile": ""
"statistics": {
"averagePrintTime": 0,
"lastPrintTime": 0

Sections of the websocket message​

current_print_ts Required​

Timestamp for when current print job starts. This value must maintain consistent for the entire print. Otherwise the server will identify the current print job as a new one.

event Optional​

  • event_type: Required. Type of event occurring. One of these values: PrintStarted|PrintResumed|PrintPaused|PrintDone|PrintFailed.

settings Optional​

  • webcams: Optional List of webcam settings

    • name: Required Name of the webcam
    • is_primary_camera: Optional Default to false. Indicates if this is the primary camera
    • stream_mode: Optional Mode of the stream (e.g., live, recorded)
    • stream_id: Required ID of the stream for the WebRTC connection
    • flipV: Optional Vertical flip of the video stream
    • flipH: Optional Horizontal flip of the video stream
    • rotation: Optional Rotation angle of the video stream
    • streamRatio: Optional Aspect ratio of the video stream
  • temperature: Optional List of temperature profiles

  • agent: Required Information about the agent managing the print

    • name: Required Name of the agent
    • version: Required Version of the agent software

status Required​

  • _ts: Required Timestamp of when the status is collected. This is used to de-dup the status message on the server side, and make sure the latest status message will always win, even if an out-of-date status message is sent to the server later because of transition delays.

  • state: Required Current state of the printer

    • text: Required Textual description of the printer state. One of these values: Operational|G-Code Downloading|Printing|Pausing|Paused|Cancelling|Offline.
    • flags: Required State flags indicating various statuses
      • operational: Required Printer is operational
      • printing: Required Printer is printing
      • cancelling: Required Print job is being cancelled
      • pausing: Required Print job is being paused
      • resuming: Required Print job is resuming
      • finishing: Required Print job is finishing
      • paused: Required Printer is paused
  • currentLayerHeight: Optional Current height of the print layer

  • currentZ: Optional Current Z position of the print head

  • currentFeedRate: Optional Current feed rate of the print

  • currentFlowRate: Optional Current flow rate of the print

  • currentFanSpeed: Optional Current speed of the cooling fan

  • job: Optional Information about the current print job

    • file: Required Details of the file being printed
      • name: Required Name of the file
      • path: Required Path to the file
      • display: Required Display name of the file
      • origin: Optional Origin of the file (e.g., local, SD card)
      • size: Optional Size of the file in bytes
      • date: Optional Date of the file
    • estimatedPrintTime: Optional Estimated time to complete the print job
    • averagePrintTime: Optional Average time to complete similar print jobs
    • lastPrintTime: Optional Time taken to complete the last print job
    • filament: Optional Filament usage details
      • tool0: Optional Filament used by tool 0
        • length: Optional Length of filament used
        • volume: Optional Volume of filament use
  • progress: Optional Progress of the print job

    • completion: Optional Percentage of completion
    • filepos: Optional Current file position in bytes
    • printTime: Optional Time elapsed since the start of the print job
    • printTimeLeft: Optional Estimated time remaining to complete the print job
  • temperatures: Optional Temperature readings

    • tool0: Optional Temperature of tool 0
      • actual: Optional Actual temperature
      • target: Optional Target temperature
      • offset: Optional Temperature offset
    • bed: Optional Temperature of the print bed
      • actual: Optional Actual temperature
      • target: Optional Target temperature
      • offset: Optional Temperature offset
    • chamber: Optional Temperature of the print chamber
      • actual: Optional Actual temperature
      • target: Optional Target temperature
      • offset: Optional Temperature offset
  • file_metadata: Optional Metadata about the file being printed

    • hash: Optional Hash of the file
    • obico: Optional Obico-specific metadata
      • totalLayerCount: Optional Total number of layers
    • analysis: Optional Analysis of the file
      • printingArea: Optional Dimensions of the printing area
        • maxX: Optional Maximum X coordinate
        • maxY: Optional Maximum Y coordinate
        • maxZ: Optional Maximum Z coordinate
        • minX: Optional Minimum X coordinate
        • minY: Optional Minimum Y coordinate
        • minZ: Optional Minimum Z coordinate
      • dimensions: Optional Dimensions of the object
        • depth: Optional Depth of the object
        • height: Optional Height of the object
        • width: Optional Width of the object
      • travelArea: Optional Dimensions of the travel area
        • maxX: Optional Maximum X coordinate
        • maxY: Optional Maximum Y coordinate
        • maxZ: Optional Maximum Z coordinate
        • minX: Optional Minimum X coordinate
        • minY: Optional Minimum Y coordinate
        • minZ: Optional Minimum Z coordinate
      • travelDimensions: Optional Dimensions of the travel path
        • depth: Optional Depth of the travel path
        • height: Optional Height of the travel path
        • width: Optional Width of the travel path
      • estimatedPrintTime: Optional Estimated print time from analysis
      • filament: Optional Filament usage details from analysis
        • tool0: Optional Filament used by tool 0
          • length: Optional Length of filament used
          • volume: Optional Volume of filament used
    • history: Optional Print job history
      • timestamp: Optional Timestamp of the history record
      • printTime: Optional Print time recorded in history
      • success: Optional Indicates if the print was successful
      • printerProfile: Optional Profile of the printer used
    • statistics: Optional Print job statistics
      • averagePrintTime: Optional Average print time
      • lastPrintTime: Optional Last recorded print time

Example when a printer is printing​

"current_print_ts": 1716904799,
"status": {
"state": {
"text": "Printing",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"printing": true,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"paused": false,
"ready": false,
"job": {
"file": {
"name": "temp-tower-220-260_petg_mk3s_4h_34m.gcode",
"path": "temp-tower-220-260_petg_mk3s_4h_34m.gcode",
"display": "temp-tower-220-260_petg_mk3s_4h_34m.gcode",
"origin": "local",
"size": 6661052,
"date": 1716892098,
"obico_g_code_file_id": 2
"estimatedPrintTime": 14830.71632999596,
"averagePrintTime": null,
"lastPrintTime": null,
"filament": {
"tool0": {
"length": 10177.899699993939,
"volume": 0.0
"currentZ": 3.45,
"progress": {
"completion": 5.315271521675555,
"filepos": 354053,
"printTime": 116,
"printTimeLeft": 2068,
"printTimeLeftOrigin": "linear"
"offsets": {},
"resends": {
"count": 5,
"transmitted": 11981,
"ratio": 0
"temperatures": {
"tool0": {
"actual": 220.0,
"target": 220.0,
"offset": 0
"bed": {
"actual": 90.0,
"target": 90.0,
"offset": 0
"chamber": {
"actual": null,
"target": null,
"offset": 0
"_ts": 1716904915,
"currentLayerHeight": 23,
"file_metadata": {
"hash": "2a85626157e60f5df7a7cb2e4fd5a8d9fb838265",
"obico": {
"totalLayerCount": 608
"analysis": {
"printingArea": {
"maxX": 139.613,
"maxY": 144.25,
"maxZ": 91.05,
"minX": 0.0,
"minY": -3.0,
"minZ": 0.0
"dimensions": {
"depth": 147.25,
"height": 91.05,
"width": 139.613
"travelArea": {
"maxX": 139.613,
"maxY": 200.0,
"maxZ": 92.05,
"minX": 0.0,
"minY": -3.0,
"minZ": 0.0
"travelDimensions": {
"depth": 203.0,
"height": 92.05,
"width": 139.613
"estimatedPrintTime": 14830.71632999596,
"filament": {
"tool0": {
"length": 10177.899699993939,
"volume": 0.0

Printing state transition​

Printer transitions from idle to printing​

"current_print_ts": 1716904799,
"event": {
"event_type": "PrintStarted",
"status": {
"state": {
"text": "Printing",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"printing": true,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"paused": false,
"ready": false,

Printer transitions from printing to paused​

"current_print_ts": 1716904799,
"event": {
"event_type": "PrintPaused",
"status": {
"state": {
"text": "Paused",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"printing": false,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"paused": true,
"ready": false,

Printer transitions from printing to canceled​

"current_print_ts": 1716904799,
"event": {
"event_type": "PrintCancelled",
"status": {
"state": {
"text": "Operational",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"printing": false,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"paused": false,
"ready": false,

Printer transitions from printing to finished​

"current_print_ts": 1716904799,
"event": {
"event_type": "PrintDone",
"status": {
"state": {
"text": "Operational",
"flags": {
"operational": true,
"printing": false,
"cancelling": false,
"pausing": false,
"resuming": false,
"finishing": false,
"paused": false,
"ready": false,